Saturday, July 28, 2012

Good morning all.  I was reading the church bulletin this morning and I realized the date for the picnic has changed!  It's not in August, but scheduled for September instead.  So....we won't be meeting on the field of fun as soon as I thought!

Have a great day and bless you all.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Forever Plaid

Attended a fun, happy, great musical performance with my daugther-in-law.  We had a perfect girl's night out with laughter, great music and rootbeer floats outside on a beautiful summer night.  What could be better?

The cast was funny and really good singers.  I was very happy that I was able to experience it, and it was even better for spending time with my lovely daughter-in-law.

If you haven't seen the show, try to get tickets.  It will make you happy!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Adoration Chapel

Today I would like to talk about my place to talk to Jesus.  It is so lovely that I have found the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel at St Frances Cabrini. 

When the evil wants to build up in my soul thinking about horrific acts such as the shootings in the theatre, I see red and think dark thoughts.

I am blessed then to be able to open the holy door of the adoration chapel, leaving my dark thouhts outside, and embrace my Jesus.  Even though He already knows, I am able to tell Him what weighs heavy on my heart.  His love envelops me and clears my soul to think only of how I love Him and how wondrous He is.

I give all my worries, cares, and concerns to Him, and He invites me to sit and be in his presence.  I go there to adore Him and He brings me peace.  I adore Him all the more and glory in being with Him.

I invite you all to come to the chapel and experience the peace and the love of our Jesus.  He sits and waits for you and I promise you that the joy of the moment will be yours. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Loving Hands Crochet & Knitting Ministry

Saturday, July 14th was the 5th Anniversary celebration for the Loving Hands Ministry.  We had a yummy potluck with Father Brady, Deacon Ron and Father Sean in attendance.  

There are so very many lovely women here sharing their talents to make bandages, baby pouches, afghans, hats, booties...on and on with prayers and love.  I feel humbled to be a part of this beautiful group.

Karen Smoody is the minister of this group giving so much of her time and love to bring these gifts to the needy at missions, hospitals, and wherever the need may be.  We love her so much.

 I learn to crochet something new everytime I get together with this fun group and am always excited to make more to give more.  And the chatting and friendliness makes me smile and feel so blessed.  Too much fun.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Mother Cabrini's Shrine Field Trip

On Tuesday, June 12th the Rosary Maker's of Cabrini journeyed on a field trip to Mother Cabrini's Shrine. I was more than excited to participate in this fun time and visit the shrine again!

Floyd and I both had doctor's appointments that morning.  The plan was to meet the group in the parking lot of Cabrini and carpool to the mountain.  That plan did not work out.  As we passed the church the group began caravaning out.

We rushed home, dumped Floyd in the front yard (he was scheduled to work that night and couldn't join the field trip), and I began my solo journey up the mountain!  Is this something I could do by myself?  I wasn't sure, I had never driven the road by myself before, oh my!

As the little tin can nosed it's way up the curvey drive I thouht about the beautiful deer we saw standing by the road back in September on our way to the retreat.  The car had no trouble then and I was very relaxed and joyful, so why would this time be any different? 

As I climbed higher and higher I imagined Mother Cabrini making this trip time and time again driving her horse drawn wagon filled with orphans , in all sorts of weather, all the way from Denver.  Ok, this was really a breeze for me in my hybrid modern vehicle with four wheel drive, christian music on the radio, a smooth paved road and a glorious clear day.  I've got this!!!! 

Then I rounded a curve and beheld the statue of Jesus with stretched out hands to welcome me here.  I was soooo happy to be right there, right then to experience this moment.

At the chapel I joined my group for a wonderful day of sightseeing, lunch, shopping and devotion. 

During a great lunch prepared by the nuns we were treated to a piano recital by a sweet lovely lady who has been playing for her parish for 32 years!

During our visit to the chapel by the healing waters and rosary garden we prayed the rosary together.  Tears of joy flowed down my face as this was the first time I had been a part of this glorious process.  The love and reverence I felt as I prayed with my brothers and sisters of this special group of people will remain in my heart forever. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Good morning to all my family in faith.  I am going to use this blog site to talk about my experiences with and involvement in my religious community of St Frances Cabrini parish. 

I invite you to visit and to share what is happening with you.  I miss you all so much and cherish every moment I spend with you in faith. 

May God be with you every moment.